Aegean Legends by Trix - Walkthrough by Sunny Rose

Όπως φαίνεται και από τη σελίδα με τα Custom Levels Reviews, είχα την τύχη να παίξω πολλά και αξιόλογα custom levels, ωστόσο αυτό που αγάπησα περισσότερο και θέλησα γι' αυτό να γράψω ένα δικό μου walkthrough, ήταν το Aegean Legends της Trix, το οποίο διαδραματίζεται στην Κνωσσό και τη Σαντορίνη. Στο τέλος του οδηγού, παραθέτω screenshots που έπαιρνα κατά τη διάρκεια των gameplays μου που δείχνουν την ομορφιά των σκηνικών αλλά και την πιστότητα με την οποία η δημιουργός έχει αναπαραστήσει τις τοποθεσίες.


Δημοσιεύτηκε τον Μάρτιο του 2009

Don’t rush off to pass the title screen; sit back and enjoy the awesome flyby and the lovely music that accompanies it. When it’s over and it starts all over again, you can then hit ‘New Game’ and you will enter…


Another sweet flyby shows you ‘key’ locations that you have to keep notice of as they will play a crucial part in your way. You get a panoramic view of the beautiful palace that you will visit pretty soon. This is the palace of Knossos, and as a Greek I can assure you it is an amazing representation.

Game begins…

Lara is standing in a small mountainous area, a hill of sorts. Proceed a bit towards the cone-shaped tree and kill a sly scorpion that’s hiding in the grass. There is a small crawlspace at the corner of the wired fence, but ignore it because you need to find that first secret, believe me.

Approach the slope where the cone-shaped tree is, angle Lara properly and jump towards it. If all goes well, she will jump over the slope and end up in a depression behind it that was invisible from the previous spot. Hear the secret chimes and move along in the crawlpace, all the way ahead until you can stand up. Look up then and you can see an opening. Jump/grab to get out and you find yourself in a small yard. 

You can hear a crow, but since it usually doesn’t approach immediately, you have the time to shoot the box and get those flares. Turn around and shoot the bird, then go to the far end of the yard, just beyond the box. The ground is a bit different there, so stand just at the edge of that different tile facing it and hit Action. Ta-dum! You’ve found a hidden trapdoor, congratulations! Jump down and explore that underground room, go right a bit and shoot a box to reveal the exit up and to the right, but don’t get out yet, instead go back to where you first jumped in and head to the other direction; you will arrive in a small storeroom of sorts. Shoot the boxes, one hides flares. Just to the left near the shelves there is a ledge, climb up there and get the bunch of keys. It’s the Kiosk Owner’s Bunch of Keys, and this is the main reason why you took this side-trip for the secret. Why? Be patient and you will see much later.

Jump down from the ledge and just at the exit of this storeroom there’s a keyhole, use your newly-found keys on it, and a trapdoor above will open. Climb up there and discover ammo and a shiney shotgun behind the red chair. Cool!

Go back down, run to where you shot the first box down here to reveal the exit from these underground rooms, climb up and crawl a bit to get out to a narrow yard. Kill two nasty scorpions, then run to the right and at the other end of this narrow yard there is a small opening on the right, behind some greenery. In there you will find a small medipack, and you can also kill the scorpion that’s guarding it.

Return back to where you first dropped in this yard, there is a solid wall in front of you but the central block is different, and yes, you guessed right, it’s moveable. Pull it out twice and exit to another narrow yard with a bridge above and a climbable wall on the left. 

Don’t climb it yet; instead run ahead following the path as it goes to arrive at the other end. There is a crawlspace there on the left hidden behind some plantation, so crawl in to emerge in another area, follow the new path again and at the end you get to discover another crawlspace on the right. Crawl in and the camera shows you a baddy lighting a floor torch and makes you notice a box too. Drop in, shoot the baddy to get his flares and then the box to find a pretty Key Handle inside, so grab it and you are done for now, but if you want to find one more secret, you will have to return here later on.

Get back out the way you came, following the paths to the place with the climbable wall.

Climb up that wall to emerge in the place where you would have arrived if you had gone through the crawlspace in the barbed fence at the beginning.

Cross the bridge, and the blue doors will open as you approach them.

You are now inside the gardens of the gorgeous palace of Knossos.

Left and right you can see a stepped mosaic construction; take a mental note of this, because you will be visiting them again a bit later.

Take either of the ways leading to the central yard, marvel a bit at the beauty of the palace while shooting two crows and then notice the blue door ahead between the lit torches as well as the depression in the middle of the yard. Stepping in the depression, opens the door, keeping it open for a second. You can dash in and it’s possible to make it on time, but even if you succeed, you won’t be able to re-open this door once you get inside and it closes behind you – and you need it to remain open. So you must find a way to do this.

Turn around and look up; there is a big vase on the balcony there, and this is where you must go. Get in the room just below this balcony and get the Sharp Stone Fragment that’s standing on the floor next to the big sarcophagus on the left. Get back out, go left, run left again in the corridor, run by the first closed door and at the second one, place the Stone Fragment in the ‘keyhole’ beside it.

The door opens, so get inside the new room. The door closes but don’t worry; notice the empty pools and go up the stairs to arrive in a corridor with three switches. Flick them all to make water magically flow in the pools below.

Go down and jump in either of the pools, swim through the narrow tunnel in the center under the stairs and follow the tunnels (don’t worry, it’s not a maze and it’s easy to find the way), to arrive in… the now flooded mosaic constructions in the outside yard! 

Get out of the construction where you emerged and jump in the other one. Find the very narrow opening and swim inside, follow the twists and turns to emerge in a narrow-looking room. A huge vase is blocking the way, so shoot it but don’t rush ahead, as it was concealing a fire emitter. Stand on either side and when it fades for a few seconds run ahead in the room. Do the same with the second fire emitter to emerge in a second room. The vase ahead hides another emitter but it doesn’t get in your way, so go left, crawl a bit and where you can stand turn around and climb the wall.

Do something tricky now, stand at the edge of the opening, jump back once, run/jump at the edge and if you’re lucky you’ll grab the pole. Turn so that the opening that you now see on the left is to your back, and jump backwards to land on the sloped ledge, slide just a bit then jump back to hopefully land on the semi-transparent ledge.

Turn to face the next pole, stand at the edge of the ledge, jump while pressing Action to lower Lara’s arc and she will land on the next sloped ledge. Don’t slide there but as soon as she lands, immediately jump to grab the pole. Turn so that the next ledge is to your back, and jump backwards to land on the ledge. You may need to re-adjust Lara’s position on the pole if your jump from it fails, so make sure you save your game while Lara is on the pole.

Climb in the crawlspace left, and crawl along to finally drop down to the room above where the sarcophagi were. Go right to get out on that balcony with the big vase (finally!)

Shoot the vase (you may need to shoot it more than once) and it will shatter revealing a decorated boulder which will drop down in the yard and land in the central depression. You have made it! The big doors open and since the boulder cannot leave the depression, they won’t close again!

Drop down to the yard and enter through the big doors. Don’t you just feel so happy?

Inside the palace…

On the left there is a room with a wooden floor; you may suspect what you have to do with it but you don’t have the tools atm. So go right to arrive in a room with a magnificent pool and amazing decorations on the walls.

Go down the steps, wade in the water and go through the opening in the next room. Isn’t the fountain just lovely?

Notice the closed door with the receptacle on the left, then go right to exit in another magical garden. Mystery music warns you that you are encountering enemies there, so be careful as you get attacked by a baddie, two scorpions and a crow. Take the ammo from the ground and the Sharp Stone Fragment from the temple on the left.

Some more tricky business follows. Find the opening just next to the one from where you arrived in this yard, and get in a room with a pole. On the right, there is a vase blocking the way so shoot it. Go back out in the garden, cross it and go through the rightmost opening at the opposite side. In the room with the two young fishermen mural, go through the second opening on the left and go to the end of the room where there is a switch.

Take a deep breath and save your game!

Flipping that switch, closes a timed trapdoor in the room that was being blocked by the vase you shot just a few minutes ago (remember? Next to the room with the pole at the other side of the garden). So flip the switch; hitting Look to break the view of the trapdoor closing doesn’t seem to work, but you can still roll and start running even if you can’t see Lara; then when the camera goes back to her you will be moving already, facing the right direction so dash out of the room and in the garden the same way you came. Whether you find it easier to dash or jump your way along, it’s up to you. I found it better to dash in the free areas and jump over the planted ones in the garden, then dash in the room with the pole, jump my way in the next room to arrive at the closed trapdoor. Once there, immediately flip the switch and as you see Lara doing this jump backwards as most probably the trapdoor under your feet will be opening again more than soon. Nothing happens if you fall in, but you will loose valuable time. Flipping that switch, lowers a timed cage in a room above, that you have to reach by climbing the pole in the previous room; so as soon as you flip it, save your game at the point that suits you most, then dash out in the room with the pole, don’t wait until you’ve reached the pole, but while still at a distance jump towards it and grab, slide up about three or four times, turn around so that the ledge above is to your back, jump backwards with a roll to land facing the corridor on the left side opposite the pole, dash in; don’t worry about the statues as long as you have enough life; you can make it with just a little damage so don’t stop at any rate until you have reached the other side and entered the small room beyond the lowered cage, where there is a hole on the floor, another cage ahead and a keyhole.


Use the Stone Fragment to lower the second cage and be careful not to drop through the hole, because you will have to do the timed runs all over again, and I’m sure you don’t want that!

When the cage lowers, run ahead, there is a closed door and an open door on the left, so try to outrun the baddy and enter that second room before he gets in and locks the door. If he manages to get in and lock the room, you won’t be able to enter in any way. Once inside, shoot the guy and go to the next room to shoot a box and pick up the ammo. The closed door in there opens when you approach it, so shoot the second baddy waiting outside and see what he leaves behind, the Minotaur’s Head!

Just opposite those rooms there is an open door, get inside and follow the corridor to arrive in another room, shoot the box to get some ammo and get back outside.

Go back to the room where you used the Stone Fragment, now you can freely drop through the hole as there is nothing more to do up here. Cross the beautiful gardens for the last time and go back to the room with the fountain. Remember the door with the pedestal there? Combine the Minotaur’s Head with that Key Handle you found earlier, to make the Minoan Key. Place it on the pedestal and the door opens!

Shoot the vase in front of you to reveal two torches. Take one and leave that room. Jump down in the pool but be careful to not get to any place that is too deep because Lara will drop the torch so as to be able to swim and you won’t be able to pick it up again. So wade along to the next room, go up the steps with jumps (sidejumps will do where straight jumps don’t work) and you’ll see a baddy lighting off the torches outside so that you can’t light your torch from them. Grrr!

Anyway go out in the yard, drop the torch for a second to shoot the baddy dead, take your torch again and now you can decide if you want the next secret or not. If you don’t want it, ignore the next three paragraphs.

If, on the other hand, you are a hardcore adventurer going for all secrets, you have to do some backtracking here. Go through the gardens at the front and out of the main gate and you’re on the bridge again. Jump down from the bridge or alternatively drop the torch down in the path below first and use the climbable wall to get down yourself, take the torch, follow the path to the plantation-hidden crawlspace, stand a bit close to it and drop the torch to make it land at the other side of the crawlspace; crawl in and get the torch, follow the next path, arrive at the second crawlspace, stand in front of it and drop the torch to make it land down in the temple where you found the Key Handle earlier. Drop down there yourself too, take the torch, light it on the lit floor torch and light the other one too, the door ahead then opens so go inside the next room – secret chimes! Those statues are a pain, but time your moves and you will make it to the other side of the corridor where another floor torch awaits, so light it too and another door opens. Drop the torch as you can’t carry it any more along with you and shoot the big vase for a large medipack. 

Opposite the entrance, there are two crawlspaces; climb up the rightmost one and there is a moveable block there on the left. Push it out of the way to arrive at what seems to be a dead end. Go left and notice a crawlspace; at the other end of this wall, the last block is moveable, so pull it out of the way then go to the left and pull it along the stone path once; now go to the path that opened behind where it once stood; there is a crawlspace on the left and one more moveable block ahead so pull that out twice. Go back out and climb up through the first crawlspace, then drop down from the next crawlspace to what actually is the other side of the last block you pulled. 

You are now outside in the narrow yard with the underground temple to your left; go past it, run along the path and through the plant-hidden crawlspace, under the bridge and up the climbable wall and enter through the blue doors back in the palace again. You need a torch again, so run back via the open blue gates, back through the pool room and the fountain room, enter the room that you opened with the Minoan Key and get the second torch from central platform.

Go back out in the yard where the decorated boulder fell earlier, take the right corridor and beyond is the gate that you opened with the first Stone Fragment. As you get closer to the closed gate before this, the gate opens and a baddy comes out. Drop the torch and shoot him, now take the torch and enter the newly opened room. Go left and there is a temple with a ceremonial fire, approach it carefully and light your torch, now go back out, through the blue open doors again and now go left to the room with the wooden floor. So did you guess right earlier?

Drop the torch on the planks and it will burn them and shatter them opening the way for you to drop down to the room below.

What you have to do here may look complicated, but in fact it’s pretty easy; there is a central block in the room, and on the one side of the wall there is a switch while on the opposite side there is a moveable block. Flip the switch to see what it does: it raises a cage just two blocks away from the central block, next to the small platform. Flip the switch again to lower the cage, then pull/push the block around the room (this is a bit tedious due to the unevenness of the floor) to place it two blocks away from the central block, on the same tile where the cage should be. Flip the switch and the cage raises, transferring the block at the top of this room. 

Climb on the central block and jump over the gap to land on the upper floor. The moveable block is standing on top of the cage so pull it away and out of this room; in the next room notice the two different-coloured tiles between two pairs of red columns, the one is even and the other is not, so place the block on the even one and then go stand on the uneven one; the door opposite the entrance opens, so enter in this new area and go up the steps to arrive on a ledge that overlooks a yard of heavenly beauty. Down below there is a pool, on your right there is a ladder going down and a bridge leading to a closed door and on your left there is a ladder going up.

Take the ladder going down first and you arrive at another beautiful pool in where fall the waters from the pool above. Swim in, to the left and climb out in a lovely room to get a small medipack, then swim to the other side if you want to, but there is nothing in the room there, just two empty vases. 

Go back up the ladder to get back on the ledge and now take the ladder going up and you arrive in a small attic; on the right around the wall there is a ladder going down and there is also a crawlspace on the left. Go through that crawlspace, at the end turn around and hang from the edge, shimmy around the walls to reach the opening opposite and crawl inside that one; crawl forward until you can stand up and find a moveable block at the left end of the room. Pull it out and then to the left to make space, then go through the opening it was hiding and crawl backwards at the opening to drop down in another lovely yard with red columns. 

Beautiful music starts as you get out in the yard, go to the opposite side where the Prince of Lilies mural is and jump in any of the openings to get to the passage there. Take the Key Handle that’s standing close to the beautiful mural, then return to the yard and back the exact same way you came until you arrive in that small attic with the ladder going down. 

Go down that ladder now and follow the passage until you reach a crossing of sorts: two corridors separated by a wall. To the right, is the pool you had seen from above earlier, so go there now and notice a switch on the wall opposite, which is impossible to use because the water is too deep and Lara can’t stand there. So drop in the water and see those two vases standing close to the holes from where water is flowing? Pull them so that they stand just in front of the holes, and a miracle happens; the water level lowers so now you can use that switch! Go flip it and, as you probably suspected already, the closed door at the end of that bridge opens but don’t go there yet because you need to find something else first.

Go back to the crossing and now take the left passage, shoot the vases to open the way and go ahead, a trapdoor opens as you approach and a baddy drops from it, shoot him dead and climb up the trapdoor. Go left and down some steps, and you arrive in a strange room. You can see the Minotaur’s Head locked in a cage ahead but you can’t get it yet, you have to do some tricky business so as to achieve this.

As you enter the room, Lara looks at a big vase up and to the right on a ramp; this must do the trick you are probably thinking and you are right, so go left and climb up that ladder, sidestep to land on the balcony and run to the other end, to stand opposite the vase. Shoot it while jumping up and down and it should shatter quite easily, releasing a boulder that starts rolling up and down the ramps. Notice the wooden platform in the middle of the ramps; yes, this is a trapdoor and you need to open it and trick the boulder to fall in, so as to lower the cage and free your way to the Minotaur’s Head.

Go back down the ladder or jump down and go close to the ladder; go up the small step and a cage lowers there opening up the way towards two tiles with symbols on them. Notice them carefully and it’s not difficult to decipher what they mean: the first shows the ramps united, the second shows the ramps separated. Simply put, you need to stand on the second tile to make the trapdoor up there open. So crawl under the wooden fence and stay on the first tile, watching the boulder. Be careful because the second tile is concealing deadly spikes, so you can’t stand on it waiting because Lara will be history. Instead remain on the first tile watching the boulder, and when you see it approaching the trapdoor, sidejump on the second tile to make it open, hoping that you managed perfect timing with the boulder; stay there just a few seconds to give it time to drop through the trapdoor, then immediately sidejump back to the first tile to avoid getting killed by the spikes.

If all went well, the boulder should have dropped down, and this caused the cage to lower, revealing the Minotaur’s Head. Now it should be rolling along the ramps below, so be careful as you run past it to get to the Head, because if it hits you it kills you. Take the Head and leave that room, jump down the trapdoor and you are back at the crossing; it is possible to jump to the bridge from the far edge of the pool but you can also do it the regular way, go back to the ladder at the end of the passage, climb up to the attic, find the other ladder leading down, so you’re back on the ledge, run along and go left to the bridge and finally through the open door. 

Go up the steps in a royal-looking hall, then left in a beautiful room, look around carefully, you just arrived in the throne room of King Minoas!

On the left there are some steps so go down to find a pedestal, combine the Minotaur’s Head with the Key Handle to make the Minoan Key but Lara won’t place it on the pedestal unless you go around it and put it from the other side (facing South). The cage door next to the pedestal opens, so get inside and throw the switch and you hear a noise, as if some heavy furniture is being moved.

Go back up and see that the throne of Minoas has indeed moved forward, revealing a hole in the ground. 

Congratulations, you just found the entrance to the legendary Labyrinth of Daedalus.

Jump down and slide along the slope leading to…


What does ‘A Red Thread’ mean? Basically it’s your vital guide through the maze (most of the times, at least). When Theseus was about to enter the Minoan Labyrinth, Ariadne gave him a thread so as to unravel it as he went; this way he could easily find his way back after killing the Minotaur. For Greeks, it’s also a reminiscent of folk fairy tales that started like this:

Red thread tied around the spinning wheel

Give it a nudge to make it turn

And let the fairy tale begin.

Where ‘spinning wheel’ was a part of the traditional loom that women used years ago to weave cloth.

Back to our game, Lara is standing at the beginning of the dark maze. Watch out for the baddy dropping down behind you and kill him quickly, grab the shotgun he drops and the flares at the other end, then pull the chain to open that trapdoor and drop down.

Eery music starts as you realize you are in the middle of a three-way junction. Notice the torch on a platform nearby, then explore the paths a bit; the South one leads to a slope overlooking a lava pool (you can’t do anything there) and a corridor with an empty vase at the end. Return to the junction and notice the red thread going along the ceiling of the West path, so this is where you should go but don’t do it yet; instead take the torch and run down the North path; be careful close to the entrance of the room ahead, there is a deadly trap so jump over the skeleton (someone didn’t realize the trap until it was too late) and when you enter the room Lara looks up at a torch hanging from the ceiling. 

There are two switches in the room, each raising a timed block in the middle of the room. Look at the floor, you can see the tiles that will become blocks; the left one is the higher one so drop your torch on that tile. Face the switches, go to the left one first, flip it, sidejump to the right and Lara will land in front of the other switch, flip that one too, immediately roll and run/jump to land on the lower block, now to climb up the higher one you should be careful as it’s close to the ceiling torch and Lara can catch fire, so jump/grab its edge and shimmy to the left, pull up, take your torch, go to the edge of the block and light it on the ceiling torch (the higher block stays up a bit longer, so you shouldn’t have problems there). 

Once back down, don’t go East as it’s a dead end, instead go back to the junction and take the path with the red thread running along its ceiling.

You arrive in a room with a crawlspace and a closed door, so drop your torch for now and go where the crawlspace is a bit lower (with a green plant above it), jump up to grab the edge and because Lara for some weird reason can’t stand up if you just pull up, press Duck while pulling up and keep it pressed; she will pull up and crawl ahead, now you can safely stand up and jump down the other side.

There is a red thread going right, but also one going left. Notice that the one going right looks as if it’s coming from somewhere, so don’t go that direction for now, instead go left through the opening and you are over the lava pool you saw close to the beginning, only now there is a way to cross it. Notice the fire emitter on your ledge and the fire emitter across the pool, also see that door on the left? It’s the other side of the one in the room where you left your torch. 

Stand in front of the emitter facing the pool, and when the fire is off, jump backwards to land on the emitter and immediately jump up to grab the monkey-bars on the ceiling. Swing along above the pool getting to the other side, stop close to the second emitter and when it is off drop down to land on it and slide down the floor.

Use the lever there and doors open in the previous area. To go back to the other side, stand with your back to the fire emitter and as close to the edge of the ledge as possible, and when the fire is off jump backwards and immediately up to grab the monkey-swing, try to immediately turn towards the pool and keep swinging to get opposite (this can get really frustrating, so make sure you save at the emitter). Once you arrive at the opposite side, drop down (be careful of the emitter) and go through the now open door on the right, take your torch, get back out the same way, run past the emitter and go through the opening after it, in the next room see again the crawlspace opposite but you go left through the newly open door and follow the passage to a room with the swinging chain (the red thread now goes along the wall). Go past the chain and left, jump over the lava gap and you arrive on a bridge.

The camera shows you several bull-decorated blocks below, so there is a moveable block puzzle you need to solve so as to open the door at the other end of the bridge. Drop the torch on the bridge (be careful not to drop it down below, because there’s no way then to bring it back up) and go down the ladder on the left. 

It’s easy to solve the puzzle, each block needs to be placed in the correct alcove and there are white marks on the floor actually showing you the way for each block. The one that’s already in an alcove is not correct, so you have to move that one too.

This diagram shows you the correct places for each block:

When all blocks are correctly placed the door opens, so go back up, take the torch and exit through that door.

You arrive at a maze so be careful here; go left and the door opens by itself, straight ahead, jump over the pit in the corner, then right as the path goes and another door opens, immediately left, left again and another gate opens, now go right and two gates open; go through the left one and enter a room. Spooky music breaks in and you are attacked by skeletons; you can lure them close to lava pits and shoot them with your shotgun, but you can also ignore them if you can handle it. Go right, run down the room, take a turn as the passage goes and jump over a pit to enter another room. One more skeleton is there, so be careful.

In that room, there is an opening on the left corner, that’s your next destination; but if you want to find a secret, ignore this for now. 

If you don’t want the secret (be warned though that finding the secret makes your life easier): jump over that opening and enter a passage with moving blocks. See the closed gate on the left? This opens only if you go for the secret, opening up the easy way for you. If you still insist to not go for that secret, you have to face the blocks. Time your moves so that the blocks don’t squish you, and when you eventually arrive at the top of the passage, wait for the last block to move right, then dash left through the opening to emerge in a room with a closed door left (not for you, it’s for the secret hunters) and an opening ahead.

Now skip the following eight paragraphs to catch up, or you can still read them to see what you have missed.

If you want the secret: go right over to a lava pool. Now you have to do some tricky jumping while holding your torch, so stand opposite the first sloped platform in the lava pool, stand/jump towards it, slide down a bit, jump to land on the other sloped platform ahead, from there jump on a collapsible tile ahead, immediately jump to land on the next sloped platform, from there to the next collapsible tile and immediately on the safe platform on the other side.

Shoot the vases and there’s ammo in one of them, then light the wall torch with your torch. A wall lowers next to the wall torch opening a secret room. Get inside – secret chimes! You can now drop the torch, as you don’t need it anymore in this area, and go up the stairs and in the next room.

Up there, turn to face two sets of stairs; go up the right one and shoot a baddy; he leaves some ammo. Shoot the vases for more ammo and a small medipack, then go down and up the other set of stairs, run along the red columns, go left in the passage and up the steps to arrive in a room with lethal floor. Jump up to grab the monkey bars and swing straight and to the right where there is a lever. First jump down the depression on the floor for flares, then use the lever to open a door somewhere else (you can see a torch and a fire inside). Use the monkey bars to leave the room, go down the steps, through the column room, down the other stairs and return to the room with the pool where you first entered for this secret.

Dive in the pool and locate a very narrow opening, swim through and arrive in another pool, climb out and pull the lever there to open another gate in a room with huge moving blocks.

Dive in, through the tunnel, out of the main pool and leave the secret room; now step on the grey tile behind the column and a rope appears above the pool so that you can make it across now that the collapsible tiles are no more there and the sloped ledges are of no help.

Run/jump to grab the rope, swing over to the other side, run left, over the corner pit, then right and jump over that pit in the rightmost corner. You see the huge moving blocks, and the opened gate just to their left. Had you not pulled that second lever in the secret area, the gate would have been closed and now you would have had to go up the steps while avoiding the huge blocks.

So go through the door on the left and follow the passage to the very end. Go up the steps right and enter the room that you saw when you pulled the first lever in the secret room. Inside there is a torch and a fire. Take the torch, stand close to the fire (not on the tile though), hit Action to light your new torch and get back out; go left towards the opening there.

Both secret-hunters and secret-ignorers move on from here.

Take a running jump to land left on the bridge. As you run along, Lara will look up to see the red thread on the ceiling. Look where it leads – to an opening in the opposite wall. Drop your torch on the bridge, stand opposite the opening and taker a running jump towards it to grab the edge, then crawl in and drop in the room.

Take the Bull’s Left Eye from the central platform, then get in the opening, drop down the floor outside, go right, around the corner and over the lava pit, in the next room run diagonally to get to the other small pit, where the moving blocks are; go left through the gate, along the passage to the end, up the steps on the right, past the room with the fire on the right, left at the opening, and run/jump to land on the bridge again.

Take your torch and run forward (see the red thread along the ceiling above the bridge?), in the next room, stop just at the turn and there is an opening on the right; stand against it but just one step away, and throw your torch in the opening so that it lands on the other side. Continue in the room, shoot the vases if you want but they are empty, and at the end you come to a dead end overlooking a lava room. Look right, the wall there is climbable so grab hold of it and shimmy all the way to the left. Don’t shimmy over to the ledge yet, instead climb down the column, close to the lava, then shimmy right to an alcove, climb up in there to get some ammo.

Drop/hang from the alcove, shimmy left and around the corner, up the column as high as possible; this way you will avoid getting hit by the swinging chain, then dismount on the ledge. Your torch should be there in the opening, so take it and proceed to the left, notice the thread going inside an opening on the left, but don’t go there yet; instead look to the right and see a triangular crawlspace; throw the torch so that it lands at the other side of it, and now go to that opening on the left, jump over the small gap to land there and follow the passage to a dead end; drop down to end up in a magical cave with a shallow pool.

Locate the tunnel on the farthest right corner and wade in, it looks mazey down there but in fact it’s quite easy to navigate; just follow the wooden poles and you will eventually get to a wider area where you can crawl below a low rock and reach the wall opposite; on the rightmost corner there is an opening above, so climb up. Climb all the ledges (carefully take the small medipack close to the skeleton) then jump left on the ledge, go right and left again and – see the red thread on the ceiling? You are on the right track, so get in that room and notice the closed gate. Go that way and the gate opens as you approach. Get out, through a room with blue floor, in the next room should be your torch somewhere so take it and return to the room where the gate opened and go right; light the wall torch at the end of this room to get rewarded with a small medipack. 

Leave the torch and get in the next room – rather, passage. See the lyre in the middle and the closed gates around, approach the lyre and hit Action; Lara will play a tune (no doubts she’s a super-talented girl), and apparently this was a spell of sorts because just then the gate close to the lyre smashes open and a huge bull appears. 

Run like mad in the passage left, turn right on the bridge (you don’t have the time to notice but just FYI you are above the block puzzle room), hoping the bull will have followed you; see the barred gate at the end? Stand against it and wait for the bull to attack, then jump backwards at the last minute to let the bull smash the gate but not Lara. Whether you find it easier to do it this way or rather stand with your back against the gate then jump forward over the bull as it attacks, it’s up to you.

When the gate is open, run inside the room being careful not to be pushed off the bridge by the bull, go around the central column on some steps to get the Bull’s Right Eye and see a wall lowering somewhere else. 

Leave that room and no, you are not done with the bull yet; you need it to open one more gate for you so cross the bridge and go back to the room with the lyre. Just ahead is another barred door, that’s the one that you want the bull to smash, so do the same thing as before; stand against it then jump away as the bull attacks so that it smashes the gate.

Because the next sequence requires a bit of space, you need to lure the bull away from there, so dash back to bridge and the bull will follow you, maybe lure it in the room where you found the Eye as well; then dash back to the recently smashed gate and run in, there is a sloped ledge and a burner, so stand facing the exit and sidejump to land on the slope, immediately jump to hopefully grab the opening opposite you and pull up in the crawlspace.

Crawl forward and see the red thread on the ceiling again. Go ahead and when you can stand run forward, go left and jump down a room with a decorated chain.

Pull the chain and a trapdoor opens behind you, so jump down and look where you are, in the room where you arrived at the beginning with your first torch! To the right is the opening leading to those nasty fire emitters (you’ve been there, don’t worry), so time now to follow the other section of the red thread; go left up that crawlspace that you had seen when you first got here, and enter a room with two exits. The left one is a dead end (literally), so go right and drop down the pit (here’s where the wall lowered when you took the Right Eye) and crawl ahead, at the end turn around and hang to climb down the ladder and drop in a new room.

Go to the right alcove to get the flares and you see a panoramic view of the cave outside with some bridges. You also see the red thread and two huge bull heads – that’s your next destination.

Go back inside and there is a water hole on the right, so jump in. Swim forward and as the tunnel goes, and eventually you will reach an air hole in the ceiling, so swim up there and climb out. Go right and out in the wooden platform and you are opposite one of the bridges.

Take a running jump to grab the edge of the bridge, then pull up and run forward to the end of the bridge. Run/jump to grab the next platform and get in the room there, you come across two chains so pull only the left one – doing this rotates the bridge from where you came so that it connects the other two walls of the cave. Proceed in the next room and the door opens as you approach; get in a room with uneven floor, notice the differently textured part of the wall on the right, then go left and outside the door there there is a lava stream with sloped banks. Start jumping from slope to slope while pressing the direction key that will bring Lara closer and closer to the opposite edge, and Lara will eventually land on the even ledge there. 

Go left first and follow the tunnel, you will come across a skeleton and something golden beyond it; so go there and get the Goldplated Skull. Don’t go out to the platform and bridge, it just leads to the room with the water hole, so instead return to the ledge in the lava stream room and this time jump in the other opening, up the steps on the left; at the end there’s a climbable wall so climb up, jump backwards on the upper floor, find the opening at the back, get in the next room with steps and torch on the wall, proceed further down and behind the wall there is an opening from where you can reach the bridge you rotated by pulling the chain.

Jump to the bridge, cross it to the other side and jump in the room there, go either way and there are two chains there; however don’t use any of them yet and instead take the passage between them and look up – there’s a crawlspace. Pull up there, crawl on and after you stand up climb the ladder and backflip on the upper passage.

Follow it as it goes and at the junction go right and out on a ledge overlooking the cave. Step on the bridge which is already correctly rotated so that you can reach the other side of the cave. Get in the new room and there are two ways; the right one leads to a closed door so go left and out on a bridge, shoot the triangular rock that blocks the way and go forward. Opposite you can see a ledge, so take a running jump with Action towards it. Don’t hurry to get in the next room; that’s where you must go, but leave it for later; you can look for a secret now, and finding it again makes your life easier later.

If you don’t want the secret, just skip the following four paragraphs.

To go for the secret, turn to face the cave and look down; there’s a water hole on the ground there, so take a carefully angled running jump (face the bridge diagonally and use Look to make sure Lara is not going to land on it before jumping) and hopefully you will land in the safety of the water.

Swim around the turn – secret chimes! Swim up at the end and let the current carry you further upwards, and swim a bit more to emerge at the top of a marvelous room with stone stepped waterfall and plants. Take the goodies from the steps (a large medipack and ammo) and at the bottom there are two openings each leading to a room. Go left first and use a lever – you get a glimpse of a room with lava and a platform along the wall. You may think it’s insignificant but let me tell you this, when you get to that room you will consider yourself very lucky for finding this secret way.

Now leave this room and go to the one opposite, shoot the vase if you want to for fun, then jump through the opening on the floor just beyond the vase and to the right and you are in the dead end passage at the other side of the last rotated bridge you crossed.

Turn around and up the steps, go right and proceed ahead, out on the bridge where you shot the rock earlier and over to the ledge on the other side. 

From here, both secret hunters and lazy brats can continue.

Now enter the room and there are two chains along the right wall; use the leftmost one (it’s beyond the wall torch) and again the bridges turn, so go out from the opening opposite the chains, jump on the bridge, cross to the other side and in the new room go around the column and you find a hole on the floor. Jump down and find the opening at the back, jump on this bridge and cross to the opposite side, jump in the room and look up: the read thread is on the ceiling.

Go either way and you arrive in the room with the two huge bull heads that you saw in the cutscene upon arriving at this cave.

Place the Bull’s Eyes on the heads and the gate between them opens; don’t rush in because there is a lava hole just in front of the entrance. In this new room, there are two ways again; go right first past the skeletons that are hanging on the wall (notice the closed door on the right) and go through the opening on the left.

If you were a brave secret hunter, you get rewarded by a platform along the left wall that helps you cross this room at your ease. 

If you don’t see any platform, it means you were a lazy brat who was too bored to go for the secret, so now you have to pay for your laziness by getting to the other side of this room using the ropes and slopes above the lava pool. Stand at the edge of the small wooden platform and run/jump to grab the first rope. Slide to the bottom and swing over the sloped column, let go to slide on the other side of it, jump to grab the second rope and swing over to the other side. It’s not as easy as I describe it though. That’s the price you pay for being a lazy brat and not going for the secret.

Once on the other side, notice the wooden planks on the right in front of the door, then go left in the room and in the next one there is a skeleton and a fire, as well as a fire emitter and a torch just beyond the skeleton. Take the torch, wait when the emitter is off and carefully light the torch on the fire that’s close to the skeleton.

Get back out, go to the planks and use Action to light them with your torch. The door beyond opens, so drop the torch and get in to take one more Goldplated Skull.

Return to the other side of the room whichever way (via the ropes or the wooden platform) and remember those hanging skeletons? They are not just decoration, they are functional so place each Skull on each skeleton and miraculously the closed gate in this room opens, so enter and go up the central steps to take the Old Papyrus Sheet. When you do this, you see a door opening at a place where the red thread is on the wall.

Go out of this room, past the skeletons and the lava hole, proceed forward and you arrive at a gap with platforms that open and close above it. Time your moves so that you jump on each platform when it is on (you may need some practice for this, so save at the edge), and when you eventually get to the other side notice the red thread on the ceiling so go left down the steps and you arrive above the room the door of which opened when you took the papyrus sheet (see the red thread on the wall?) Before getting in, go past the skeleton on the left to take a large medipack, then return to the entrance but don’t jump down the room yet; instead stand at the edge to get the cutscene which hints at what you must do.

You have to solve a puzzle in there, and do it quickly because it’s a trap-room. You have to pull five of the twelve switches and in the correct order so as to open the exit before you get killed by spikes coming down from the ceiling. Examine the Papyrus which holds the solution to the puzzle. The diagram below shows the correct order of switches:

The spikes start moving as soon as you pull the first switch and they are quite fast, so make sure you know very well the correct order and be careful of the lava pool as you dash/roll/jump from switch to switch. When you pull the last switch, dash out of the room and the door closes behind you. 

You are now in a corridor with a closed gate on the left. See the red thread on the ceiling leading to the right, so go there; it ends up in a room on the left, with wooden barriers and a column of light on a platform in the center of a lava pool. The three sides of the column are transparent walls and the third is a barred gate. It all looks suspiciously quiet until you step into the room; then the Minotaur appears and although he can’t kill you directly, he can harm you a lot and eventually cause your death by banging his hammer on the floor.

So run back out and to the closed gate, you can’t pass it but see on the left there’s a crawlspace so pull up and drop down to the other side; be careful there because there is a sneaky bull hiding in that room. Go to the back to find the chain and pull it to open the closed gate, opening the way for the bull to run out of its lair; run back to the room with the column of light, where the bull will also follow you.

In case you haven’t made the connection yet, you have to lure the bull towards the four wooden barriers so that it smashes them, and all this while the Minotaur keeps banging his hammer, lowering your health. Not a very pleasant situation, but you’ll survive if you are careful. Keep running around the room and the bull will eventually smash all the barriers, and when this happens, the barred gate raises opening the free side of the column of light. Jump/grab the platform to pull up in the column and get the Discus of Thera and immediately the platform will raise, transferring you higher in the shaft. 

Jump and pull up to the level above and go to face south and run/grab the opening opposite and above. Pull up the next ledge, but before going for the ladder, turn around and see that jumpswitch? Use it to open the exit, now go up the ladder to emerge somewhere outside the palace of Knossos, which is now in ruins again, since the eclipse has finished. 

Time to leave Crete and enjoy…


You have enough time to marvel at the stunning harbour and the beautiful sea before a goon and two dogs attack you in the sounds of Zorba the Greek.

This level is one of the prettiest and richest you’ve ever seen, and it’s so amazingly realistic that it feels as if you are indeed wandering around the cobblestone paths and lovely houses of Santorini. There are many things to do in this level, and several you can do at any order; I will try to make it as simple and as logical as possible.

First jump on the big ship and go around the mast; it has a ladder so climb up until you reach the jumpswitch. Use it to open a trapdoor under the ship. Lara drops in the water so swim below the ship and get through the opened trapdoor – secret chimes! Shoot the box for flares, then the next box and go where it was to pull up in an opening. Shoot another box, run a bit more and in a crawspace there is another box on the right so shoot it to reveal a key. Crawl and get Miguel’s Workshop Key.

Get back the way you came and in the water and swim northwest towards three boats, there is a wooden platform on the water there where you can pull up and get back on the deck again.

Leave the harbour behind and just after the arc, there is a Souvernirs shop. Go left at this point and immediately left again and under a round arc, down a ramp and you are outside Miguel’s workshop. Open it with the key you found in the ship and enter the workshop. Take the crowbar from the bench on the left, then go right and shoot the boxes for ammo. 

Get out and back the way you came towards the harbour again but when you reach the arc at the deck, don’t go out on the deck; instead go past the arc, turn right and then left on a wooden platform leading to a beautiful balcony. You are at «Καφενείο Ήλιος», however if you hadn’t found the first secret of this game, you can very well skip this part. Don’t say I hadn’t warned you!

Stand opposite the door with the sign, just one step away from the inner edge of the balcony, and jump backwards over the railing. If all goes well, Lara will land on a sloped rock below and start sliding; immediately jump up to make her grab the monkey bars under the balcony and swing to a ledge opposite.

Kill a rat and get the small medipack by the boat. Duck and shoot the grating but don’t get in that passage, it just leads back to the harbour. It’s there just in case you arrived here and found out you don’t have the Kiosk Owner’s Bunch of Keys, so it’s your only way out of this place. If you have the Kiosk Owner’s Bunch of Keys from the first level, use them on the keylock to open the roll-up gate. Enter the new room – secret chimes! Go left in a cellar and then right to exit out in a corridor. First go right, in a room with crates; at the end, climb on the last crate and crawl on its top, drop to the other side to find precious ammo. Go back out and in the corridor again; I know you can’t wait to exit to that gorgeous garden but go up the stairs first and explore the house: there is more ammo in the last room on the right, behind the bar bench.

Go down the stairs and exit in the garden – isn’t it lovely? Shoot the dog and enter the small hut; see that red ball on the wall? It’s a switch so flick it and a trapdoor opens beside you. Go down the ladder and you are in the sewers.

Go left and follow the passage, kill two rats as you go, run along the tunnel as it goes and you’ll reach a point where there are bars on the left and a tunnel on the right. Go right where the water gets slightly deeper and look up, there is a grating you can shoot. So shoot it and pull up in there, go up the ramp and kill one more rat, then go left towards the wall, the last ‘crate’ is actually a door you can open with your crowbar so do it and find a small medipack inside. 

Go out and flip that red switch on the left to open a trapdoor above, so jump up to climb the ladder and go through the trapdoor and emerge inside a house. 

Open the door on the left and get in a library room and take the Missing Notebook Page from the platform on the left. Get out and proceed in the corridor; the door opens as you approach it and you arrive at a different part of the island. The big building to your left with the columns is the Library, keep a note of where it is because you will return here later after you find the key that opens its gates. 

Go right towards the steps with the laundry, up the low steps and turn right again in a cobblestone yard, go left under the big arc, continue straight ahead to exit in another area; look right at the big building, it’s the Church; take a mental note of it too because your final destination is this place. 

Run past the church and turn left, then right, under a laundry line and another arc and go left towards the «ΤΑΒΕΡΝΑ ΙΚΑΡΙΟΣ». Open the door and get in as a familiar greek song starts playing, go behind the bench and pull up in the last cupboard to get the Winecellar Key; when you do so, you get a glimpse of the keylock where you must use it.

Leave the tavern and go left up the steps under the arc, run forward to arrive at the side of the church. Go to the front and run under the white arc just opposite its entrance. Continue straight ahead and there is a cobblestone ramp, proceed there and past a door on the left (you can open it, but there’s nothing more you can do in there for the time being, so leave it for now) and as soon as you exit in the next yard, look to the left, there are some steps leading up; so go there up the steps and you are in a beautiful veranda.

Go right and open the door to enter the house and open the door on the left to exit on the balcony. Stand on the right side facing the opening in the wall opposite you and take a running jump over the railing to grab the edge of the opening.

Pull up, remain with your back to the yard and stand close to the middle of the edge, angle Lara a bit to the right and make a backflip; hopefully you will land on a sloped roof, so immediately press Action to grab the edge and shimmy all the way to the left; at the end pull up and immediately jump/roll to change direction and grab the white ledge behind you. 

Jump above the sloped roof and slide; at the very end jump forward and grab the roof opposite. This is a bit tricky, so save accordingly because you may need to retry several times before you succeed. Once you make it, don’t rush to pull up; shimmy as much to the left as you can, then pull up, slide down the roof a bit and jump angling Lara to the left to make her land on the next sloped roof. From there, slide down and jump forward to grab the veranda ahead. Pull up and open the door on the right to enter another house.

Go right through the rooms and down the stairs and when you reach the checkered corridor, the door on the left opens but don’t go out yet; proceed ahead and open the door on the right. Pass through the kitchen and open another door on the right; enter and get the Sewer Key from the floor (a camera shows you where to use it).

Get back out, through the kitchen, and once in the checkered corridor get out from the opened door on the right. Go left and out in the alley and spooky music starts playing so be careful; a dog and two goons appear from your left so shoot them dead, and one of the goons leaves something behind, so go take it: it’s the Housedoor Key and a camera shows you where you should use it.

Don’t waste time; take the passage North and just past a purple plant there is the house you must open with the key you just found. Unlock the door with the Housedoor Key and enter; run through the house to arrive at a room with crates. Shoot a baddy, then a box that’s on top of a crate and climb on top of this crate to get the Jesus Icon. A couple more boxes are shootable but they contain nothing, so leave the house and return to the previous yard (where you obtained the Housedoor Key).

Now go up that small ramp on the right and enter through the door on the left. Take the flares and use the Sewer Key on the keylock. A trapdoor opens beside you, so go down the ladder to arrive at another section of the sewers.

Take the East tunnel first and you reach a pool of sorts; swim across then get out in the passage and continue East; in the first junction go left and follow the passage and you will arrive at another junction. At this point go East and just before the turn to the left, there is an opening opposite you, but don’t go there yet, first go left and step out of the water to kill a rat and pick up some ammo; now return to the opening and pull up in there and enter the room; go left and up the small ladder, and you arrive outside a familiar door. It’s the one that the camera showed you when you found the Winecellar key, remember? So use the key to open the door and enter the cellar, there are several barrels in the room, but when you step on the grated floor the camera angle changes, it’s so that you notice the empty pool under the grating. There is an underwater lever in that pool, but you can’t use it unless you flood the pool.

Shoot the lone barrel and water flows in the pool below, but it’s not enough; you need more. Stand opposite the two barrels on the left and jump upwards to shoot the upper barrel. More wine flows but again the pool is not as full as you need it to be. Turn right opposite the middle barrel and jump upwards to shoot it; more wine flows and now you have a deep enough pool of wine under your feet, and the lever on its wall is useable. Go to the southwest corner and there is a hole in the ground, jump in and drop in the pool to use the lever on the other side. A trapdoor outside opens, so climb out and pull up the open trapdoor, jump upwards to shoot out the grating on the east wall and crawl in; you hear shootings and just at the turn, see another grating; be careful as there’s some heavy action on the other side. Shoot the grating and quickly get out in the room and start shooting at everything and everyone. Kill the three thugs and take the Library Key from the floor next to the dead guy who was shot down before you went there (the shootings you heard before entering this room). Use the wall lever to open the door and leave this room to exit out in a familiar place – it’s the tavern.

Leave the tavern, up the steps under the arc, further down in the alley, past the church, under the arc opposite the church entrance and straight ahead onto the ramp; get in the room on the left and climb down the ladder to the sewers again.

This time take the South tunnel and at the first junction go left; at the second junction go right and follow the tunnel as it goes and you will end up at a dead end which is lower than the rest of the passage. Take the small medipack from there and return to the junction and now go North and you are at the deep pool again. 

Go East again and right at the first junction, then take the first turn left and kill a rat, continue down this tunnel and all the way East, past a passage on the left, and you arrive at a dead end; step out on the platform left there, use the wall switch to open a trapdoor above and climb the ladder to pull up in a dark room. 

Get out of this room and in a lovely alley, shoot a dog that attacks and go left to arrive in a beautiful wide open area with coffee tables on the right. To the left, you can see the back of the church. First go right just before the coffee tables, under the white arc and get your guns ready because there is a goon there. Shoot him and take the Mary Icon from the temple on the right. 

Return to the wide open area and keep a mental note of this place; you will return in a short while. Go towards the church North and the gate opens as you approach it, now you are back in the alleys you’ve been exploring before. 

Go all around the church, past its entrance, continue South, under the arc, turn right, then left down some steps to arrive at the yard outside the Library.

Use the Library Key to open the gates and enter.

There is some tough timed business to do here, so be warned. Go up the stairs first and around the ledge on the right, jump onto the ‘bridge’ and from there to the next section of the right ledge, go right and a bit beyond the middle of the bookselves on the left, there is a book that’s sticking out; that’s actually a switch so flick it, and a hidden passage opens on the ground floor. Get back down and East behind the bookselves, there is a corridor there and you will come across the bookself that moved to the side to reveal the hidden passage.

Crawl down backwards and drop to the floor and run in the room. Take the Librarian’s Notebook from the top of the crate and notice the key on a ledge; you can’t get it from here, so you have to get to it from the other side, it’s not that simple though. Next to the key is a red switch, so save here because the timed sequence that follows may be quite tough.

Flipping the switch, causes a bookself to move aside on the rigt corner of the ledge where you flipped the book-switch, revealing an exit. This stays open for just seconds, so you must be super quick. You have to flip the switch then immediately run/pull out of the room, dash in the corridor and on the stairs to arrive at the upper floor. I found it easier to dash up the stairs and just when I pass under the bridge, roll on the spot and run to jump on the bridge, from there run/jump to the ledge on  the right and dash straight through the opened exit before it closes.

Once you make it, you are on a ledge outside, so run along being careful not to fall down because you will have to repeat the timed sequence again. From the end of the ledge, jump onto the platform opposite. Go right and run/jump to grab the next platform, open the door on the left and enter; go left and down the stairs, past a room on the left and at the end of the corridor there is a grating; duck and shoot it out, then crawl backwards and climb down the duct. Duck to shoot another grating and crawl in the passage, go left and take the Church Key (you get a glimpse of the church). 

You can’t drop in the room ahead (it’s the room with the timed switch in the Library), so go back the same way you came, up the duct, up the stairs and through the house, and once out on the platform, run/jump to grab the wooden ledge North, and from there run/jump to the sloped roof ahead, slide just a bit and jump angling Lara to the right to land on the wooden ledge Northwest.

Use the crowbar to open the door, and get out on a balcony overlooking a yard. Climb down the ladder to the yard, take the small medipack from the southwest alcove then locate the door on the East to enter a house. Get to the kitchen and climb on the stove to use the switch. Doing this, lights a fire on another stove (you will go there shortly).

Get back out in the yard and take a U-turn to go up some steps. Open the door there and you are in another house; go all the way to the end of the room and you will find some ammo.

Back in the yard, jump up to climb the ladder, pull up on the balcony and get out through the crowbar door. Now you can jump down to the alley.

Go North up the small steps, turn right, then left under the arc and you are at the church. There is one more thing to do before entering the church so go past it to the North, turn left and continue Southeast to the gate you made open earlier. Remember the wide open area with the coffee tables that I told you to keep a note of? So here you are again, go East and find a house on the left, open its door to enter and in the first room left find a torch by a window. 

Take the torch and you get a glimpse of a fire, but if you have followed this guide you won’t really need it so run across the room to the left and you are in the kitchen. Here is the stove that you lit by flipping that switch just minutes before. Jump on the stove, approach the fire and light your torch, then leave the house and exit in the yard. Go all the way right and through the open gate, run along the side of the church and arrive at its entrance.

Drop your torch for a moment and use the Church Key on the golden keylock. The gate above opens so take your torch and go up the ramps to finally enter the Church. 

Drop your torch again and pull the table onto the red tile in front of it; the gate ahead opens, so enter there and place the Mary and Jesus icons on their receptacles right and left respectively. When you place both, a trapdoor opens where the table initially was, so take the torch and drop it down the open trapdoor, then hang from the East side and climb down the shaft (DON’T jump, it’s very high and Lara will die), then drop down to the floor.

See the burning tile behind a closed gate on the South side and the crawlspace in the wall East, these are part of the process for lighting your torch in case you hadn’t lit the stove and you arrived down here with your torch unlit. 

If you have followed this guide, you should have a lit torch in your hand now, but just in case you missed the stove for some reason, this is what you have to do to light your torch: drop your torch as close to the closed gate (the one blocking the burners) as possible and go North – see that crawslapce and the block next to it? Jump on the block and a gate somewhere at the other side of the burning tile opens, but it’s timed so jump down and immediately pull up that crawlspace, drop to the other side, run along the passage and pull up one more crawlspace on the right. Crawl in the tunnel and at the end drop down in a passage. Go West where the gate opened when you stepped on the block and enter that room. See that fire burning on the block ahead? Go around the block and there is a red switch, so pull it and what happens is, both gates blocking the burning tile open and the fires on the tile go off, but all this is for a very brief time, so run to take your torch and dash back to the room with the burning block. It’s a very tight sequence; I found it easier to just run out (I had previously dropped my torch just at the edge of the burning tile), pick up the torch then backflip twice immediately and I made it just in time. Jump on the block and light your torch on the fire, then drop it again towards the gate blocking the burning tile, flip the red switch again to open the gates and make the fire go off, run, pick up the torch and dash out to safety.

Go East and take either the right or left passageway to arrive in a huge corridor. Again go either right or left, and you will eventually enter a room with what looks like unlit burners on the floor. 

There are some switches on the walls, but you must not light all of them as some are traps. Examine the Librarian’s Notebook and it has some notes and a riddle:

Translation of the ancient verses (probably refers to that strange torch room down in the crypt – but what to do there?)

The beginning lies in the middle of the center

Then middle of right

And left of left –

Three lights shall show you another world (?)

(the following page is ripped off).

So deciphering the riddle, you have to light three torches. The ‘middle of the center’ corresponds to the middle switch on the West wall. The ‘middle of right’ corresponds to the middle torch on the North wall and the ‘left of left’ corresponds to the lone torch on the South side.

When all three correct torches are lit, a block lowers on the East wall, revealing a water hole. Drop in there to swim to…


Thera is the other name of Santorini, the beautiful island that you explored in the previous level. Except for its beauty and its amazing sunset, Santorini is also famous for its now dead volcano. Legend says that centuries ago, an eruption of this volcano caused such a huge earthquake, that it even destroyed the palace of Knossos in Crete. So you can see how these two islands are connected.

You begin underwater in a small waterhole. Be warned that this level is about 95% underwater and 5% dry land, so get prepared for lots of swimming and holding your breath!

Moreover, this level is massive and there are many things to do. You can explore the areas however you find it more convenient. I am suggesting the way that was easier for me most of the times that I played this game.

Pick up that paper from the rock where you find yourself after the level loads, it’s the Missing Notebook Page in case you missed it in the previous level.

Swim down the hole and the current will carry you in a huge cave. Swim northeast a bit and up on the cave ceiling there is an airhole. Surface there for air and try to remember the location of this airhole, because you may need it later on. 

Drop back down in the water and swim southeast, there is a tunnel on the wall so get inside and follow the tunnel as it goes until you reach a wider area with a triangular rock. Go right past that rock and at the end look up and to the right, there is a ceiling switch. Pull it down to see a block lowering somewhere, revealing an underwater lever. If you are out of air, swim back out of the tunnel and up in the airhole, then get back in the tunnel and when you reach the triangular rock, swim left and straight ahead, following the tunnel as it goes and at the end on the right there is an opening hidden behind a plant; swim in this new tunnel and you find the underwater lever. Pull it and the platform below you becomes an elevator of sorts, transferring you up to a chamber. Quickly run off the platform because it will sink again, and enter the main chamber. Kill a lizard, take the small medipack and have a look around the room. 

There are four differently coloured blocks and there are four alcoves opposite them. No wonders here, you have to place each block in the correct alcove. There are symbols over the alcoves: waves, an axe, a shield (the round one that looks like a cookie) and a bird. Do you remember the missing notebook page? Time for it to become useful!

Examine the page and it has a riddle:

The Waves don’t mirror heaven’s blue

The Axe – dyed with either blood or grass

Blue or Red shine the falcon’s feathers

The colour of the shield is neither yellow or green

But the blue one is not alive.

It looks quite complicated to decipher, but in fact it’s pretty simple. The waves don’t mirror heaven’s blue, means that the blue block does not go to the waves alcove. The axe dyed with either blood or grass means that either the red or the green block goes to the axe alcove. Blue or red shine the falcon’s feathers means that either the red or the blue block goes to the bird alcove. The colour of the shield is neither yellow or green means that these two colours are out of the question, so either the red or the blue block go to the shield alcove, but the blue is not alive which means that the blue block corresponds to something that is soulless.

Let’s start from the end: The red block and the blue block are both nominees for the bird and shield alcove. But since blue corresponds to something that is not alive, it goes to the shield. Which leaves red to the bird. So red and blue are already taken. Now that red is out of the question, the axe is left with the grass option, which means the green. And the waves will have to settle with the yellow.

Easy eh?

So here is the combination list:

Blue block – Shield alcove

Red block – Bird alcove

Green block – Axe alcove

Yellow block – Waves alcove

Place each block in the correct alcove. Push them to the very end of each alcove, and every time you do that, you hear a banging sound; the gate behind you closes but a crawlspace opens above. This happens with all the blocks you place. When you place the last block, along with the banging sound you also hear – secret chimes! The door on the Southwest opens, so enter in a magnificent room as psychedelic music plays.

Go to the other side of the room and locate the uneven rock, climb up and turn South to face the opening above. Jump/grab the edge and pull up to the upper level. Go North to the corner and climb up the lower ledge, turn South and jump up to grab the opening there, pull up to the second level. Continue forward and around the corner, and just behind the broken column there is an opening in the rocks; go right and proceed ahead (crawl where you can’t run) and behind the ill-fated skeleton there is a small medipack. 

Go back to the broken column and see that big vase nearby? Shoot it and the whole cave starts shaking. When all is calm again, look down; the water level has raised up to the first ledge, but before jumping in try to kill that shark that appeared out of nowhere.

Jump now down in the water and swim South to find a section of the wall there has smashed open, so swim through and you are in another section of the big cave where a skull of a ship lying at the bottom. Unfortunately there is nothing more to look for in here, so go back to the flooded room, through the gate that opened with the secret, in the now flooded block puzzle room and outside, down the elevator shaft and the tunnel, and in the big cave. Go up the airhole to breathe a bit and get prepared for your next destination.

Swim down and northeast, towards a narrow opening where two pink urchins are. Go through the opening and in the next cave swim left through another narrow opening and then down towards a hole at the bottom. As soon as you enter that tunnel, swim right and don’t mind the current, try to not stop at any rate because there’s a spike trap dragging itself behind you. Swim past the gate on the left and throw the lever to open the right part of the gate and immediately swim through hopefully without getting skewed by the spike trap.

Wait for the spike trap to reach the other side, then swim back out and go left. At the end of the passage, swim right and up that tunnel and just at the turn surface at the hole for some muchly needed air. 

When you are ready, dive back in and swim forward but don’t move far; just get out to the passage to trigger the spike trap on the right, then roll and get back in the tunnel with the airhole. Wait for the spike trap to pass to the left, then swim out and go left too. When you reach the bend, another spike trap is triggered from the left, so roll again and swim back to let it slide to the right. 

When the coast is clear, swim down the tunnel and left and go up a hole at the left corner. You arrive in a beautiful flooded room (there is an airhole southwest in the blue rocky ceiling), so swim northwest to find a ceiling switch behind some plants under the ledge. This opens a timed gate across the room, so quickly swim in there and follow the tunnel as it goes to finally swim left inside a lovely room with a Snake Goddess statue in the middle and a nice blue jar in front of it.

You can’t take the statue but you can take the jar, so congratulations, you’ve got your first Urn! And it’s your first because you have to find three more and as you probably suspect, since getting this one was so tricky, finding the remaining ones won’t be easy either! When you get the urn, you get a camera view of a door, but this is for much much later.

Swim through the small opening in the South wall and proceed in the tunnel being careful not to be smashed by the moving blocks. When you arrive before the last block, stop for a second and when it moves away swim quickly upwards and you emerge in a magnificent underwater temple; quickly swim west towards that airhole for air and when you are ready swim down again and go north towards that white construction. Swim west and find a small medipack in front of the closed door.

Go back to the airhole if you need to, then swim down and go south – there is a small triangular opening in the rocks, so swim through it to emerge in a tunnel. Swim right and out in the cave and you are above the hole leading to the spiked tunnels. Swim up to the airhole to breathe a bit, then go down and west to emerge out in the next cave. Notice the pink coral plant on your right, so go towards it and past it following the tunnel as it goes and you will eventually reach an opening leading to a red corridor.

Swim up the tunnel, turn left then left again and up this new tunnel until you can surface. 

When you arrive in the room at the top of this passage you get a cutscene of a door in a chamber below from where you stand. There is a switch in the room where you are, but don’t use it yet, as there are some things you must do first.

Swim down the tunnel and you arrive at a junction. The right way though is blocked by a coral door. Swim along the left way and at the end go left and left again to enter the other passage. The current is strong but keep swimming until you reach the coral door. Hit Action to open it. This will come very handy quite shortly.

Go back towards the switch room for air, then swim again down the left passage but this time when you get to the end, swim forward in the room ahead. Swim up the surface and turn around to swim towards the steps.

Go up the steps leading to the next room, and when you reach the last step, turn right and see a vase through an opening. Jump upwards to shoot it, and immediately the water level raises, and Lara is suddenly found swimming. 

Swim west and down a passage, past a closed gate and find a lever on the right wall. Use it and this will open the gate, releasing a boulder that will drop in the depression opposite, slowing down the current there. Notice the grey door at the end of this tunnel? It’s the one that you saw in the cutscene upon first entering the switch room above.

Go back there now, in the switch room, and save in front of the switch because a timed sequence follows.

Flip the switch and that grey door below opens. To get there as quickly as possible, roll and jump to the tunnel, swim towards the right way that you opened earlier, the strong current will carry you much faster to the end of the tunnel; swim in the next room, upwards and through the next room, in the west passage and down the tunnel, following it to the edge and the (hopefully) still open door.

Once inside, go up the airhole for air, then take the second Urn from the bottom, close to another Snake Goddess. Go through the southeast opening and swim south, past the pink coral plant, then southwest towards the opening with the two pink urchins to emerge out in the main cave again. 

Go up and southwest to the airhole, regain your breath and get ready for the next destination.

Swim down and northwest towards another narrow opening. Just past the brown branch, next to the pink coral plant there’s a spike trap so be careful. Swim forward to emerge in a beautiful cave with ropes.

The next sequence is rather tricky and complicated, so concentrate and be patient. Also remember that you can save when Lara is hanging from ropes, climbable walls or monkey bars. This way you won’t have to repeat whole sequences in case you fall in the water.

Swim right and locate a sloped rock just opposite a rope. Position Lara so that she’s in line with the rope and pull up on the sloped rock. She can’s stand on there, so immediately after you pull up, jump and roll to change her direction so that she faces the rope, and grab it.

Slide all the way to the bottom of the rope and turn her to the right to see a grass-covered pillar above the water. Swing towards it and when you reach it release the rope and immediately press Action again so as to hang from the pillar’s grasses.

Shimmy to the right around two corners, then when you see that sloped rock next to you, position Lara on the pillar so that her hands are on the same level that the edge of the rock is, and shimmy right again so that she grabs on that rock. Shimmy a bit to the right to place her opposite the next rope, and pull up, slide down the other side of the rock and jump towards the rope to grab it.

Slide to the bottom and notice that grass overhang ahead? It’s a monkey bar and that’s where you are aiming at, so swing towards it and when Lara is on the highest peak of her swing, release and hit Action immediately to hopefully grab the monkey bars.

Swing forward and close to the wall of the cave there is a hanging plant; don’t go that far, stop a bit less than one block away from the plant, and turn left. Release to drop on a sloped rock below, but don’t let Lara slide at all, instead press Jump immediately as she drops, so that she jumps to another sloped rock ahead, while pressing the left direction arrow to make her land as far to the left of that rock as possible. 

From that second rock, slide just a bit, then hit Jump + Left direction arrow to make her jump towards that sloped rock on the left. Slide down that one a bit and jump to grab the grass-covered pillar ahead.

Shimmy to the right around the corner and climb up to just one block away from the top. Jump/roll to grab the grass-covered wall behind you and shimmy all the way to the left, and again to the left around the corner, shimmy on and once more left around another corner and shimmy left until you can’t shimmy any more.

At this point, jump backwards to land on a sloped rock, immediately backflip/roll to change Lara’s direction so that she faces a sloped pillar ahead. Grab the edge of the pillar, pull up and she can’t stand on there so immediately after pulling up, jump/roll to make her face the opposite direction and land on the previous sloped rock; keep pressing Jump and she will backflip on the sloped pillar; keep pressing Jump so that she jumps up and forward and hit Action to hopefully make her grab the monkey bars above.

Turn around and swing along and around the corner on the left towards a grass-covered overhang. Swing as far as you can, and then release and immediately hit Action again and Lara will grab the overhang’s grasses. Shimmy to the right around the corner and climb up through an opening and backflip in a room (no water there, so you can take a breath for a while). Be careful of the holes in the floor and prepare your guns because a huge blue dragon attacks from the left. When it dies, it catches fire but the flames are harmless for Lara. 

Go left then left again, stand on the edge angled slightly to the left and jump towards the sloped rock ahead so that Lara slides on it backwards. Hang from its edge and pull up and while doing so, hit Jump + Roll to change Lara’s direction so that she faces the opening opposite, grab its edge and pull up in that room.

Go left and push open those doors to emerge in a room with fish statues. Go to the rocks between the statues, stand between them, turn so that the right rock is to your back and stand against the left one’s side. Jump backwards to land on the right rock, immediately jump again to land on the left one and again hit Jump along with Action to jump/grab the crawlspace above.

Pull up and crawl left around the corner and hang down from that side. Shimmy to the right and around the corner to the next crawlspace, shimmy more to the right and the edge becomes grassy at the last part. Stop and Lara will place her feet also, letting you know that that wall is climbable.

Climb down until you can’t move any more, just above a sloped rock. Shimmy to the left as much as you can, then release to drop on the sloped rock, slide just a bit and jump/roll to change direction while pressing the right direction arrow. If all goes well, Lara will land on the sloped pillar ahead and start sliding; let her slide just a bit and immediately press jump and Action to hopefully grab the monkey bars ahead and above. This is one of the toughest situations in the whole game, so save conveniently.

Once you make it to the monkey bars, turn right and swing towards the grassy pillar, when you can’t go further release and hit Action again to grab the pillar’s grasses. Allow Lara to hang with her feet too, then shimmy to the left around the corner, then climb up this side of the pillar as high as you can, shimmy to the right on the lone grassy section of the pillar, climb down but make sure Lara is still clinging with both hands and feet, and jump/roll to face the other direction and grab the pillar behind you.

Climb to the top, pull up and jump/roll to change Lara’s direction and land on the grassy slope facing uphill. Hit Action so that she grabs the edge at the end, allow her to cling with her feet too then shimmy to the left around the corner, go as far left as you can and climb up to the highest section of this side, then jump/roll to face the other direction and hit Action to grab the wall behind you. Climb up to a crawlspace, release Action then hit it immediately so that Lara hangs only with her hands and hit Forward + Duck to enter the crawlspace.

Phew, that was tough!

Get inside and shoot a lizard, go down the steps on the left and another lizard appears so shoot it too, and go left again in a wide corridor. Just past the blue pillar on the right, there is a crawlspace so crawl in and drop down to the other side. You get a panoramic camera view of this new majestic cave, where an urn is standing in a construction in the middle. Hold your breath, you are nearly there!

From the triangular outcropping just in front of you, take a running jump to land on the blue rocks to the right. Go just to the left of the grey pillar opposite the opening left and climb up the blue ledge. Turn to face the opening and make a simple jump with grab towards it to land there. Proceed a bit but don’t drop in the room; from the ledge just beyond the opening, look up to see a hole in the ceiling. Turn east and jump up to grab its edge, then crawl out in the crawlspace. Crawl on the roof until you can stand up and you are opposite a green platform that seems to be floating in the air. To the left and beyond, is the construction with the urn.

Turn northeast and take running jump towards the roof of the central construction. Lara will land there and slide backwards so hit Action to grab the edge. Shimmy to the right and when you arrive above the decorated pillar, shimmy close to the end of this square and pull up, jump/roll to change direction and hit Action to grab the green floating platform, then pull up. Turn to face the construction, then jump up to grab the monkey bars. Swing forward towards the construction and when you are above the corner of the roof, swing right and drop on a section that is not sliding.

Proceed east with caution and see a rope hanging from a green pillar opposite you; slide down the sloppy part of the roof ahead and jump at the edge to grab the rope. Slide to the bottom, then turn around to face the construction. Swing towards it and release the rope to land inside. Say hello to the Snake Goddess and take the 3rd Urn.

Drop in the water and swim west, towards the blue rocks below the opening you visited earlier. Pull up on the even rock just below the opening and turn north. Walk carefully towards the triangular outcropping and stop when you can’t move any further. Stay close to the wall and start jumping upwards while pressing Action. Eventually Lara will get closer to the outcropping and grab its edge.

Pull up and go through the crawlspace on the left, then left up the corridor and right up the steps where you met the lizards earlier. Find the crawlspace on the right and drop from the edge to fall in the water.

Swim northwest past the pillars and towards the west wall of the cave, once there proceed north a bit and arrive between a sloped rock on the left and a grassy sloped ledge on the right. Swim left towards the sloped rock, swim as left as you can in front of it, pull up and immediately backflip to land on the grassy ledge. Slide down a bit and jump angling Lara to the left so that she grabs the grassy wall ahead. Shimmy left around the corner, climb up this side of the wall and when you get even with the ledge on the left, shimmy left to continue there. Pull up, crawl to the left and hang down from the left section of the crawlspace. Shimmy around the corner left and pull up this crawlspace; crawl along the passage and around the corner right, and drop down the hole in the room with the fish statues.

Get out of that room and drop in the water of the first cave; swim south towards the two fallen amphorae, through the opening past the coral plant (be careful of the spike trap!), continue south the exit out to the main cave.

Swim southeast and up to surface in that airhole, because the task for the last urn is particularly frustrating and you need to regain your breath before going for it.

From the airpocket, swim to the west and notice the opening in the brown wall there; you will go there a bit later. For now, go left past the big branch and into a wide opening to emerge in another cave. Go through the opening in the far end and swim past the central pillar to locate another opening at the leftmost corner. Swim in and you arrive at a room with a white platform and an airhole in the ceiling.

Surface in the airhole to regain your breath (you need it, believe me) and get prepared for a nasty water maze. You can try to find the way on your own, but in case you end up screaming and pulling your hair, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Face north and swim through the right tunnel; the current will carry you up the shaft, so swim forward when you can to arrive in a room with a stone bench.

Swim south past the column and the current carries you in a room with a fish statue.

Go left into the green opening and the current will carry you down the shaft. Swim on when the current stops to arrive in a room with a big vase.

Take the first tunnel left (green again) and the current will carry you down into a room where you see the familiar Snake Goddess statue guarding another urn.

Take the 4th Urn and swim above the statue at just the last minute before all your breath abandons you.

Now you have to return to the main cave, so face northwest and enter the opening there; the current will carry you up the shaft and you emerge in the room with the white platform and the airhole in the ceiling. Surface in the airhole if you need to, then face east and swim through the leftmost tunnel there to emerge in the first room, past the pillar and out in the cave, left at the end to emerge in the main cave.

No need to waste time, so swim northwest towards that brown wall and enter the opening you saw before (your breath bar is depleting, but don’t worry; you will soon be on dry land), swim left, then right as the tunnel goes, then right again to emerge in a huge underwater room with arcs. Swim straight ahead, and when you reach the opposite side, go left; pass by one arc and in the next one there is an opening, so enter the tunnel there and go left to arrive at a junction.

Go right and swim up a bit more, until the water ends and you can finally breathe freely.

Run up the passage with caution, because there are two fire dragons there, so take care of them (you can shoot them from the passage, as they don’t dare enter there for some reason), then go left and right at the end to push open that decorated gate.

Enter this new room and continue ahead in another room with four statues and at the end the door that the camera showed you when you took your first urn.

Look at the statues, they look as if they want to carry something, and you guessed right; you need to place each urn in the hands of each statue – but before doing this, run down both tunnels east and west and pull the chain next to each closed gate. The east gate opens a room with a pool and the west gate opens a room with a Snake Goddess statue. You will see how these will get handy in a minute.

Go back to the statues and place the urns in their hands, and with doing so, you free fire and ice wraiths. Be careful as you place them, and when you are done run down the east room first and dive in the pool to get rid of the fire wraiths, then run to the west room to extinguish the ice wraiths on the Snake Goddess statue. Neat eh?

So now that all urns are in position, the gate has already opened so go there and through the door and enter the new area. There are two water holes left and right, as well as a room northeast. The room is for later, so go down either of the water holes and swim along the tunnel (be careful of the smashing hammers to arrive in a room with a ladder.

Surface and pull up on the ledge. There are two chains and a bigger water hole opposite them. Don’t use the chains yet; first drop in that bigger water hole and down the shaft to emerge out in a beautiful cave. See those two light pink square coral plants southeast and east? Those are actually gates that you need to open. Go to the southeast one first, stand in front of it, hit Action and Lara will open it. Then go to the east one (just past the blue rocks on the left) and do the same. Notice the tear-like shell just behind that gate, as well as the one with the light blue stone just beyond the first gate, then swim north towards the chain and through the plants, up the shaft and you are back in the chains room.

Use the left chain and you hear water sound; the cave below and the tunnels through which you arrived here, have all drained. You can also now hear the banging of the hammers you met before. So hang back from the edge of the big water hole and climb down the ladder, then crawl backwards down the cave.

See the two pillars left and right further in the cave? Use the chain down here to lower them, now pull/push the blue stone shell onto the lowered left pillar and the tear-shaped shell onto the right pillar (that’s why you opened the coral doors before, so that you could free the way for the shells to pass).

Now go pull that chain again and the pillars raise, transferring the shells high up. Don’t worry if you can’t see them; they are up there, trust me.

Go right first past the pillar and jump on the rock with the purple coral on it. Face northwest, sidestep a bit left to reach the higher part of the rock and jump on the rock ahead. Run around and onto the platform that’s connected with the pillar holding the tear shell (see, it’s there like I told you). Walk on the pillar and around the shell so that you face west and the shell is in front of you, and push it once. Look up, and see how now it’s placed under a hole. 

Jump down and go to the opposite side, jump onto the triangular rock just to the right of the pillar where the other shell is, climb up the ledge and pull the shell once to the right. Look up, and it’s under a hole too.

Now go back to the chain and pull it again; the pillars will lower, but the platforms holding the shells will raise, transferring the shells through those holes to the upper chambers. 

Turn north, up the ledge, turn around and climb the ladder to reach the room with the chains. Go left and climb down the ladder, then follow the passage south to arrive in the room with the hammers. The blue stone shell is waiting on the leftmost corner, so go past the hammers carefully and stand on the decorated tile opposite you. Doing this, stops the hammers from moving (the banging sound you hear is from the other set of hammers). Now pull/push the shell between the hammers and step on the tile north to start the hammers. They will smash the shell leaving something behind, so step on the other tile to stop them and pick up the Starfish Amulet.

Go North and climb up the ladder to get back to the room with the chains, now go west and climb down another ladder, follow the passage to a room with another set of hammers. Here is where the tear shell ended up, and you have to do the same thing that you did with the previous shell.

Step on the south tile to stop the hammers, move the shell between them, then step on the north tile to move them again, so that they smash the shell. Step on the south tile again to stop them and pick up the Octopus Amulet from the middle of the room (where the hammers smashed the tear shell).

Go north and up the ladder, back to the chains room; now pull the right chain to flood the tunnels again and drop through either the left or right hole and follow the tunnels to the waterhole in the room outside.

Climb out of the water and now it’s time to enter that room you ignored earlier so go north and enter there; climb up either ladder, jump over the gap and place the Octopus Amulet and the Starfish Amulet in their receptacles right and left of the door respectively. The door opens so run through and in the passage, and as you arrive in the next room, you get a camera view of it, focusing on the white orb on the middle pillar and the receptacle with a familiar shape at the opposite side.

The floor is electrified, and the only safe spots are those white tiles. Moreover, a dragon is waiting just to the left of the entrance, ready to attack. Unlinke its brothers you’ve met earlier, this one can’t get killed, so your only concern is to avoid him as you jump from tile to tile, being careful so that it won’t push you on the electrified floor. You have to reach that receptacle at the opposite side of the room, so take either way, left or right, jumping from tile to tile until you reach the platform with the receptacle above it. 

Once there, place the Discus of Thera on the receptacle and those mirrors on the floor unite, blocking the light. Now it’s safe to drop down, so do it and run to the middle pillar, climb up and grab the orb.

The trapdoor above you opens and the pillar you stand on raises, so jump upwards and you are transferred higher, in the sea above. Swim west, surface and pull up onto the rock there to get a panoramic view of Lara standing in the midst of the beautiful Aegean sea, under the summer sun.


Find Aegean Legends here.

If you enjoyed this game as much as I did, you may want to play its sequel, A Time Odyssey.


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